With our Wharfedale PM600 powered mixer now into its sixth year, the rocker switch on the front panel has finally started to cause problems and over the last couple of practices we've had trouble powering it up due to the switch's connection intermittently failing. Or rather intermittently being maintained ...

With a little experience in electronics, I decided to open it up to check for any obvious issues with regards the wires leading away from the switch itself. Eight screws (four top and four bottom) that held the PM600 together were undone and the inside electronics and casing simply pulled completely out as a convenient single unit.
I then carefully stripped back the necessary heat-shrink with a scapel to get a better look at the wires inside. Of course, there's no particular concern with these connections breaking because there is only ever minimal stress placed upon them.
Which leads us to the conclusion, namely that everything (somewhat unfortunately!) appeared to be in good order, confirming that the fault itself appears to be within the plastic-encased rocker switch itself. And due to the sheer number of times it's been operated over the years, it would make sense for the failure to relate to this component.
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