As previously promised, a high quality version (in lossless FLAC format if you prefer) of our self-recorded, self-titled album from 2009 has now been made available for free download via Bandcamp. Click here to go to the download. All lyrics and album credits et cetara are there also.

There have been a couple of line-up changes since this album was wrapped up last July though, which is why another EP has also been uploaded; to show the relative difference in attitude and approach - although (!!!) there has unfortunately been another line-up change since even these were recorded less than two months ago. Be that as it may however, here it be in all its untethered glory (lazy-ass artwork 'n all) ...

More live tracks from various shows and practice sessions will be uploaded as we progress towards the recording of our new album. As matters currently stand we have seven tracks fully written for inclusion with several more sat on the sidelines awaiting our attention. In the run-up to our vocalist's trip to Peru in July these will likely be completed and placed into the pre-production stage whilst he's away for several weeks. This'll give us ample opportunity to get ourselves up to speed with the new recording process that we're likely to employ this time around. Exciting times.
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